5M7 XTR™ Upgrade
It's been several months now since 5M7 XTR™ completely sold out, and we had countless emails requesting its return. But we decided we wanted to do a little quality control on the ingredients that make up this complex performance enhancer, and evaluate the overall effectiveness of 5M7 XTR™.
As these things go we found ourselves six months deep into testing and improving, adjusting and repeating, until we had improve the effectiveness of this world class performance enhancing supplement as much as we could.
Other companies would of placed the old 5M7 XTR™ back on the shelves months back, but that's not how we do things, if we can improve them we will, and improve it we did.
Our new tweaked 5M7 XTR™ is more effective at improving nitric oxide & oxygen circulation around the body by an additional 2.9% from the previous 5M7 XTR™ and increases overall performance 12%, making an improvement of 2.2% on the previous version.
We hope you like our new and improved performance enhancer ~ 5M7 XTR™, we look forward to your feedback.